Contact Information
To place an order, please email, call, or text.
Osagian Canoes USA
Scott Paulsen
914 Laurel Lane
Beaufort, Missouri 63013
[email protected]
Payment Information
We will usually take payment when the canoe is delivered to you. We prefer a cashiers check from your bank. Cash is accepted (not preferred though for the safety of our driver). We can also take a credit card or PayPal but we will have to add the extra 3% to the total (sorry).
Scott Paulsen
914 Laurel Lane
Beaufort, Missouri 63013
[email protected]
Payment Information
We will usually take payment when the canoe is delivered to you. We prefer a cashiers check from your bank. Cash is accepted (not preferred though for the safety of our driver). We can also take a credit card or PayPal but we will have to add the extra 3% to the total (sorry).